The scene was set at the RCB Whelan Pavilion on Saturday 23rd April for a night of entertainment, history and the 2016 Miss Showgirl & Rural Ambassador competitions. The ‘Fun in the Fleece’ Woolshed Ball was the Show Committee’s first event of the Show season and the Pavilion looked amazing. With hessian draping the ceiling and an historical area full of memories, the Woolshed theme was felt throughout the Pavilion – and that’s not even mentioning the welcoming committee which included some of Clermont’s finest sheep generously donated by Todd & Joanne Dennis! Who says that the Clermont Show – The Isaac Region’s Show doesn’t have it all!

2015 Isaac Region Miss Showgirl, Miss April Roth, was excited to be able to introduce some additional Youth Competition categories which saw some of the younger Show-goer’s becoming involved in the event. Five lovely young girls – Anna Cook, Anna Daniels, Mykenzie Moller, Zarah Moller & Georgia Shannon – become the Region’s first Mini Miss Showgirls. In addition to this, four excited youngsters became our Region’s first Mini Rural Ambassador’s – Lachlan Dennis, Laura Kenny, Jonty Benney & Winton Worsley – with Laura proving that the Rural Ambassador Competition is definitely not just for the gents.

Each of our other categories had one entrant each which saw Johanna Robertson being titled the 2016 Miss Showgirl and Scarlett Cook earning the 2016 Junior Miss Showgirl sash. Congratulations to both young ladies who have been involved in the Clermont Show – The Isaac Region’s Show for many years now and will continue the involvement of youth within the Agricultural Show movement. Johanna wore the Junior Miss Showgirl sash in 2012 so watch out for Scarlett in the coming years – she may too continue the tradition of wearing both sashes!

The Rural Ambassador Award is open to males and females who have a strong commitment to the rural industries and an involvement and passion for the Agricultural Show movement. Only a new competition compared to the Showgirl Competition, it also highlights the importance for youth involvement within the community. A huge congratulation goes to our 2016 Rural Ambassador, Brendan Brieffies and our 2016 Junior Rural Ambassador, Lauren Finger who will be representing our Show this year.

Earlier Saturday morning, the Youth Competition entrants gathered at the Heritage Building for a morning of judging. Our three judges, Keith & Sharleen Bettridge (Mt Wilga, Alpha) and Alison Briggs (AgForce Emerald Qld), met and interacted with the young ladies and gentlemen, followed by some time with the entrants individually to get to know them and their involvement and knowledge of the Agricultural Show circuit, the agricultural industry and current local, national and global events. Keith definitely knows a thing or two about the Show circuit being the past Queensland Shows & Alpha Show President and his wife Sharleen being the previous Secretary for the Alpha Show. The judges were impressed with the entrant’s confidence and also acknowledged the parents and the job they have done to get them to where they are today. Keith stated that “the entrants held a conversation very well and I was impressed with all the entrants, especially the Mini Entrants, on how they conducted themselves”.

The 130 people who attended the Woolshed Ball were treated a wonderful night of entertainment including a Mini-Farmers Challenge and another wonderful meal catered by Maryanne Nicholson, inspired by the theme of the evening which included roast lamb, mini dampers and golden syrup pudding to get the taste buds going. The Sheep Auction saw the welcoming committee going to their new homes of the Clermont Vets, Joanne Salmond and Damien Finger & Becky Hayles. Damien Finger also won one of the raffles, with Angela Martin the other lucky winner for the evening. Over $1000 was raised in support of the Drought Relief – Buy a Bale Foundation.

Nights like these are not possible without a devoted group of volunteers who give up a huge amount of their time to organise, decorate and create such amazing evenings. Thank you to Stewards Marricka Clancy, April Roth, Jake & Erin Kennedy, Ria Garside and Scott Hensley, and their team of wonderful helpers who spent hours making the evening possible. A huge thank you also goes to our Master of Ceremonies for the evening, Fiona Branch from 4RFM Community Radio Station in Moranbah.

The Show Committee would like to thank the 2016 Miss Showgirl sponsors: Clermont Pharmacy, Brent’s Rent, JD’S Hair Affair, Crokers Fuel & Oils, The Grand Hotel Motel, The Commercial Hotel, AgForce, Lotta Latte’s Café, Belyando Furniture Supplies, Terry White Pharmacy Moranbah, Priceline Pharmacy Moranbah, Joanne Salmond, April Roth, Matt Jones & Marricka Clancy, Ian & Marcella Clancy, Jake & Erin Kennedy, Ria Garside and Rooswood – Ross Hensley. Thank you also to the Capella Historical Society, Jessie James and the Isaac Regional Council for the memorabilia.

Keep your eye out at the Clermont Show – The Isaac Region’s Show for all of our 2016 Miss Showgirl’s & Rural Ambassadors and if you get the opportunity, make sure you have a chat to them about their time at our Show!